What is a Matthew 25 church project?

Elders at Parkside Presbyterian Church meet outdoors on Monday morning to discuss the upcoming week. One issue is the new project of providing Care Kits for soon-to-arrive refugees from Afghanistan. An ongoing stewardship effort for this congregation has been Matthew 25 beneficence. This charity emphasis has focused, as part of a national giving emphasis in the Presbyterian Church, on enhancing equity among people of color and encouraging church vitality. (see PC USA web site).

Some church bodies, for example, (including the Matthew recognized Opensky Newsletter) have assisted local charities such as Loaves and Fishes which serves the homeless who are directly impacted by unfair racial attitudes. Recently, the Mustard Seed School at Loaves and Fishes has put out a call for pencil boxes, one inch 3-ring binders and pencil sharpeners. Those wishing to help in this effort can call the school at 916 447-3626.

Nevertheless, those congregations and individuals wishing to help in the national push to help new immigrants from Afghanistan play an important role in overall beneficence. One of the numerous kits being compiled by Parkside Presbyterian Church and others is the Housekeeping Kit. This includes donations of dish soap, sponges, dish clothes, waste baskets, trash bags, dustpans, laundry detergent and toilet brushes. Those wishing more information can call 916 483-9336.